Servant of Two Masters

Cast List

Truffaldino - Danny Wall

Beatrice - Cora Lewis

Florindo - David Wooddell

Pantalone - Cody Leveck

Smeraldina - Cassidy Allen

Clarice - Annali Hollinger

Silvio - Kyle Horne

Dr. Lombardi - Erik Rudkevich

Brighella – Aleah Weitzman

Luciano – Colin Nguyen

Vittoria - Lauren Holmes

Nikki - Rin Mirabella

Porter - Judy Johnston

Waitress – Esther McCall

Additional Zanni/Performers/Wait Staff -

Rebekah Thrasher

Hannah Roberts

Aaron Kersh

Madilyn Paulson

LeiLani Ross


To everyone who Auditioned:

Thank you so much for sharing your time and talent with us . It was a truly tough decision and we know there are some who are disappointed. There WILL be more opportunities to be involved and help in Legacy Theatre.


Scripts will be Available on Monday. Also, join the Remind @truff21.

Rehearsal will begin Monday, August 30th from 3:15 to 5:15. Please be ON TIME and bring your script and pencil with you to rehearsal.

-Ferman & Fortune